EMV Online Processing System

Cards with an EMV chip include a sophisticated security system that allows the issuer, during of online authorization, to validate the authenticity of the card as well as any relevant information to the transaction that is being made. Furthermore, the issuer can provide maintenance and make any change to their cards through a procedure named “Issuer Script Processing”.

To take advantage of this mechanism, the issuer must perform encrypted validation with the aid of an HSM (“Hardware Security Module”), through a procedure known as “Online Processing”.

For a magnetic card issuer to migrate to chip cards and thus make use of this mechanism, it is fundamental to have these functions developed in the Authorization System. This requires profound knowledge of data encryption, use of HSM and, primarily, the EMV standard (and its variants).

The “EMVS/OP” is a MS/Windows-based system that performs all “Online Processing” by accessing an HSM. It is activated by the Authorization System through the use of simplified commands (via TCP/IP), allowing new issuers to quickly migrate to chip cards.

The “EMVS/OP” is capable of operating with cards of the following standards: VSDC, M/Chip 2, M/Chip 4 and CCD (such as jEMVS or mEMVS).